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Newport Makerspace / Creudy Casnewydd Fair Use Guide

The Makerspace aims to provide a creative space and community where it’s members can hack, make, experiment, repurpose, learn, share, and socialise.

The Makerspace is is open whenever the Reuse Centre is open, and during some other hours when a Makerspace keyholder is available. You are welcome to get as much use of it as you like, provided:

  • Your use of the space does not breach any of the Makerspace or Reuse Centre rules.
  • You don’t monopolise the space or equipment to the detriment of other members.

Don’t live at the Makerspace

Remember this is a shared space, so don’t treat it like your home. This means:

  • The Makerspace is not your bedroom. Power naps are fine. Late hacking sessions are fine. Intentionally sleeping the night is not and will breach Reuse Centre rules which could jeopardise everyone's access to the Makerspace.
  • The Makerspace is not your kitchen. We have a kettle and you can make tea and coffee in the Makerspace. Use the Reuse Centre Canteen if you want to heat or consume food.
  • The Makerspace is not your shed. We have limited storage, which is in high demand. At this point in time, please ask permission for use of storage space from a director or raise it at the next members' meeting.
  • The Makerspace is not your address. Getting project parts delivered to the Makerspace is fine, but don’t use Makerspace as your address on official documents or register your business here. Find the address in the Building Access Rules and Information - Reuse Centre

Give Back to the Makerspace

We don’t employ any staff, so to keep the Makerspace running smoothly we rely on all members giving a little of their time in proportion to usage they get out of the space.

When you visit, try to set aside 10-15 minutes before you leave to do some of the quick tasks that keep the space safe and usable for everyone. These include:

  • Sweeping the floors.
  • Emptying the bins and vacuum cleaner.
  • Putting stuff away in the right place.
  • Maintaining tools, and reporting faulty ones.
  • Restocking consumables.
  • Taking things to the tip.

If you’re a more frequent user, please also consider offering to help with bigger or more regular jobs. These include:

  • Machine inductions.
  • Open evening tours.
  • Administration.
  • Organising skill-shares and events.
  • Becoming a Trustee

Commercial use of the Makerspace

Using the Makerspace for business purposes (such as prototyping your start-up’s products) is fine, but remember that your business is no more important than any other member’s project. You do not get priority access to equipment, storage, or workspaces. You can’t expect other members to stay out of your way, stay quiet, or give up their turn on equipment, just because you’re doing “business stuff”.

members/fairuse.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/20 09:41 by aidanrtaylor